You Dream It Up – We Build It!
Shipping containers are extremely strong, durable and versatile which makes them ideal to be converted into an endless array of practical solutions. We can transform our customer’s ideas into reality Using efficiency’s and low cost methods.
Container modification and customization can be as simple as adding man door, Sky light, Roll up Doors and windows, or as complex as building fully fitted out housing units, Swimming Pools, portable bars and medical clinics. If you can dream it up, and you’ve got the budget, our team of container engineers can turn your ideas into a reality.
Some Of Our Common Container Modifications Include:
- Container specific personal access doors for easy entry ( Man doors)
- Container windows and shutters & Sky lights
- High security container locking
- Extra Vents, Roof Vents
- Container air conditioning
- Container roller doors
- Container work shops
- Mobile Restaurants and Food Kiosk
- Paint container in any color of your choice
- Swimming Pools
- Custom Offices, Cabins, Lunchrooms
- Extending Width, Height or Length
We offer complete Solutions
Ultimately if you can dream it up, and you’ve got the budget, we can modify and build it. Container modification is strength of our business we take great pride in, so please contact us with your container modification ideas.